Finally Flying

If I could be any animal, I would be a bird.

I love the wind and the rush that it gives when it washes over your body and gives you chills. I love the sun and the fact that its only purpose is to bring light to a dark world. I love the colors in the sky, and the way that they radiate the creativeness of my God. I love that when you fly, (my conclusions of course being drawn from my airplane experience, but I would imagine the life of a bird being similar), your perspective changes. You are not lost in yourself, but lost in the expanse of the world you are a small part of.

Oh, to always have the humility of a bird.

I am not a bird, but I am a missionary. Traveling the world and meeting people that are different from me creates a perspective much like that of flying. It is a beautiful thing to be reminded of the simple truth that the world is bigger than my problems, my joys, and my task-list.

Recently, I have been looking for another opportunity to share God’s Word in an international context. After a ton of prayer, I believe that I have found God’s next journey for me: Kenya.

First, a little background.

I have always dreamt of going to Africa. It seems slightly odd that a continent I’ve never been to could grip my heart like Africa does, but I have never wavered in my desire to be there, serving those people. So you can understand why my heart leapt out of my chest when the mission’s coordinator at my church said the word, “Kenya.”

I’ve tried before on multiple occasions to go to Africa, but for various reasons, it’s never worked out. So I sat in the chair at church thinking that I was probably just hearing my own desire, not God’s calling to go on this trip. But my desire was so strong. I knew I had to commit it to prayer.

So I did. And God did some insane things.

As I prayed and sought truth and answers in His Word, I began to hear that quiet, clear, familiar voice.


Watch??? Really God??? Like… You do realize watching means I can’t do anything, right?? You mean You want me to have……. *gulps*…… patience?


So I kept praying. I didn’t let a day go by without asking the Lord to give me patience and allow Him to work in my heart according to His plan. Besides, the team meeting for the trip was on Sunday. Answers would probably come then. So I only had to wait for one week, right? Wrong.

Sunday rolled around. Meeting postponed. Another week of the dreaded watching.

In the next week, I lost a lot of my piano students for the summer. This meant significantly decreased income and virtually no way to pay for a mission trip.

God is this answer? Are you saying no?


Then I got a call from my mom about a potential summer job as a receptionist for a business right down the road. She encouraged me to call and inquire about the position, so I did. I left a message, and prayed that they would get back to me before my patience crumbled and I went practically insane.

Two days later they called me. I went in for the interview and with one prayer in my heart.

Lord, if you want me to go on this trip, please help me get this job.

The next thing I know, I am employed and writing a blog-post about going to Kenya. The Lord is faithful, and I feel beyond blessed.

On October 16th of this year, I will be boarding a plane to finally go to Africa. My heart is bursting with excitement as I think of working in our medical clinic, visiting homeless, sharing the gospel with young men in a prison ministry, and working with a local school.

As I look at the realities of FICA (whoever that is), I realize that I cannot make this journey on my own. It takes a team of people. If you would like to support me by giving financially to my trip, click on the link below.

I also believe that prayer is powerful, and that it is the most incredible way that I could be supported. I would be honored if you would join me on this journey in that way.

Thank you so so much for your support.

With love,


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