
God makes beautiful promises.

However, sometimes those promises require waiting. As impatient human beings, this frustrates us. I live in a world where the microwave takes too long. You can super-size my meal as long as you don’t supersize my line. And if I paid for premium shipping, it better be here in under 24 hours, no excuses.

But God doesn’t work like that. He works on His time, with His perfection.

Abram had been waiting for a child. Longing for a child. God had promised him a family as big as the night sky itself, but his wife remained barren. He and Sarai had lived alone for decades, wishing for the sound of a little voice. Their hearts ached for the fulfillment of God’s word to them. But it wasn’t coming.

Finally Sarai took matters into her own hands. “Sleep with Hagar, my servant,” she told her husband. “Maybe we will have a family through her.”

Have you ever wanted something so bad you were willing to do anything to get it? You plan it out and convince yourself that your plan is the only way to get this long awaited thing. You lean on your understanding of the situation and naturally come to the conclusion that this must be the best thing.

So Hagar has a kid. Abram was 86 and finally had what he wanted… right? No, He knew this wasn’t right. The Bible doesn’t tell us anything about Abram’s life between the ages of 86 and 99. But I imagine his emotions being somewhat of a mess. He had what he wanted but he did not feel content.

He knew this was not God’s way. But what was he without a son? What did he have if he had no one to take care of everything he owned after he died? What kind of man was he if he couldn’t produce a way to continue his name? Who would take charge of the land God gave Him? His life wasn’t complete without a child! He was almost 100 and was weary of faith.

In the midst of a heart raging with confusion, God comes down to meet Abram. Before Abram can say anything, God knows.

I am El Shaddai. The all- sufficient One. Abram, I am enough.

Abram fell with His face to the ground in submission and worship.

Walk before me faithfully. THEN I will fulfill my promise to you.

God called Abram to a life of obedience. He knew Abram had to first be content in HIM. There shall be no gods before Him. Not even a promise from God. Abram was to walk in faith knowing that even if the promise doesn’t come, God is enough.

Abram said yes to that calling. He worshiped the Lord for His patience and love. Then he was a new man. God gave him a new name. Now he was Abraham: Father of many. And his wife was no longer called quarrelsome. Now she was to be called Sarah: Princess. They were heirs to the promise of God but not slaves to it.

They were free in the contentment of God alone.

Recently, I have found myself seeking contentment in the things God has promised me. I want to live in the future when I have everything I asked for. But God said no.

He is enough.

So I am beginning a journey. I am seeking intimacy with HIM. I want to be in love with and obsessed with only HIM.

Join me. I have a feeling we will find that He is far better than what we asked for.

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