You Can Microwave Milk, but Truth Takes Time

My mind got to thinking, as minds often do. And in my thinking I began to realize that I’ve been taught A LOT over my 17 years of existence. So I thought I might share some lessons that I have been taught, both recently and not so recently. You can take it or leave it like the flyer on the top of the counter at your doctor’s office… but my hope is that maybe you learn something like I did.

1.You don’t have to have a cappuccino machine to make a cappuccino.
Did you know that you can actually just put the milk in the microwave for like 45 seconds to a minute and then just whisk the milk after?? Maybe you did. But my mind was blown. I saved a whole lot of money on Starbucks cappuccinos when I learned this little dandy thing.

2. If you have stick straight hair like me, sleeping on it while it’s wet is probably not a good idea.
I’ve woken up with some pretty awesome hair in the mornings as a result of this. It probably would be a whole lot faster if I would just blow-dry my hair the night before instead of trying to fix it the next morning. On the bright side, I start my day off with a good laugh. So there’s a positive.

3. There is an answer in the Word of God for everything.
My mom is a pretty smart lady, and she has taught me a lot. (Although a heads up about the wet hair thing would’ve been nice). But one of the lessons I will forever hold on to is her absolute belief in the Bible to provide an answer for anything and everything. I have watched her pour out her heart for weeks every day in her quiet time searching for a specific answer to something. One time I asked her if she’d ever thought about giving up. She said, “Nah. God didn’t call me to give up, and He certainly didn’t give up on me.” Since then I have never doubted that if we look hard enough, we will find our answer, even if it doesn’t look like we expected it to.

4. Air conditioning is a blessing.
The AC in my car went out at the beginning of last summer. For multiple reasons, my car remains a moving sauna. Sometimes I love having the windows down, but sometimes it rains. Sometimes you either mess up your hair or sweat off your makeup. Sometimes you can’t hear the person next to you for the wind. You are blessed if you drive a car that has AC. Please remember that. And if you think of it, say a prayer for my sanity. THE LORD IS STILL GOOD. 🙂

5. Healing occurs when people are real about their mistakes.
I recently attended FCA camp at Lee University. It was an unforgettable experience, and the relationships that were grown there are invaluable to me. While I was there, there were several leaders that decided to be real about where they’ve messed up. They didn’t try to hide behind the expectation for them to be, “godly.” They were able to speak of their brokenness and shout of their redemption. When they were able to finally speak out about where they fell short, it brought healing for them AND for the 350 kids in that room. It changed countless people’s lives because one person decided to speak the truth that we all share. “I’m not perfect.” My prayer going forward is that I may be able to speak out about my brokenness, because I am made righteous only by the blood of my Wonderful Savior.

6. Books-a-Million is a great place to hang out.
Take a friend and roam the aisles. Make fun of the dumb titles and make a list of all the cool books you find and wanna read someday. Buy a coffee. Read a Dr. Seuss book. Or rap it… (Nathan’s idea not mine) It makes a great date. And it’s free. (That’s my favorite kind of hanging out).

7. If you want to see radical things happen in your life, you have to step out on faith.
I love the Bible, and I have a strong desire to do exactly what it says. But sometimes I get so caught up in, “is this right or wrong?” that I don’t trust in the Holy Spirit to be my guide. Sharing the gospel, speaking into the lives of others, praying for radical things. All of these require FAITH. Test everything against the Word of God, yes. Strive to learn God’s truth, yes. But TRUST in the moving of the Holy Spirit. Do not be afraid.

8. When you don’t know the words, sing anyway.
You’ll never have any fun if you don’t start singing along. Let go. Sing random words and be the loudest. That’s all I have to say about that.

9. Shoes are key.
Buy some shoes that you like. You’ll feel like the cutest person ever if you just like your dang shoes. I promise.

10. It’s not about me.
I saved this one for last because it by far the most important to me. In light of being real and stepping out on faith… I have always dealt with self-image issues. I think every girl does at some point, and I think that most things that girls deal with are rooted in how they view themselves. I’ve obsessed over exercising, I’ve tried extreme diets, I’ve tried not eating, I’ve tried not caring. I’ve tried talking more and talking less. I’ve tried opening up and closing myself off. I’ve tried keeping to myself, and I’ve tried confiding in others. And yes, some of those things worked… for a minute. Eventually they all left me feeling the same way: Weak, tired, broken, and ugly. I began seeing the lasting effects of my hatred for myself. I couldn’t love others well because I didn’t love myself well. I felt disconnected from God because I had so much anger towards HIS creation. I became stressed out all the time because there was no escaping it.
Then slowly, my Savior brought me to a beautiful realization: It’s not about me. I will always fall short because, without God I am never enough. I started focusing on how He created me. He woke me up from my slumber and gave purpose to my being. He made me strong because He loved me. When I started living in that, I wasn’t worried about if my shirt fit just right. I started caring about how my heart looked, and then I felt beautiful, both outwardly and inwardly.
Then this. This is what got me. When I looked up, I found friends that loved me, regardless of what my slept-on, went-to-bed-wet hair looked like. I found parents that had always seen the best in me, even when I was at my worst. I found a sister that looked up to me. I found the sweetest guy that had stood by my side calling me beautiful and prayed for me to feel that way. I found a God who said, “You’re mine. Forever. I love you. THAT is why you are beautiful.”

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