Finally Landed

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Initial thoughts include:

Wow… the clouds look the same no matter what continent you’re on.

Holy poop I am in Africa.

Having two back to back 7 hour flights is not the most fun thing in the world.

Swiss chocolate is incredible (we flew through Switzerland).

Kenyan coffee smells absolutely perfect.


For the past 32 and a half hours, I have stepped foot on three planes, been in four airports, watched two and half movies, eaten four airline meals, consumed six cups of coffee, and have gotten about 2 hours of sleep.

But after all of that… I am FINALLY in Africa. My heart almost leapt out of my chest as I stepped off of the plane and onto the ground in a place that I have dreamt of for years. I cannot stop smiling.

We were able to squeeze through customs with no problems, and all of our personal bags arrived safe and sound. The only bag we lost was a supply bag, but it will be here no later than Wednesday. For those of you who have traveled before, you know what a huge blessing this is.

My first meal in Kenya consisted of a cheeseburger, fries, and a soda. Super authentic right? But a little comfort was good after all of the airplane food. And as we sat at this restaurant in the Kenyan airport, we listened to the incredible testimony of a man we will be working with. I was completely inspired and humbled by the passion and faith of both this man and my team. We began talking about what we want out of this trip, and each team member agreed: We don’t expect God to do something specific, we just expect Him to do something. In Kenya. In us. We are so excited to see how it all plays out.

I am praising the Lord for who He is and what He is already doing. I cannot thank you enough for all of the prayers and the support. If you would be willing, please continue to pray specifically for health. There are so many opportunities for Satan to use physical ailments against us on this trip, but I know the Lord has bigger plans.

Love you all so much!


PS. There are cats everywhere. Who knew?!

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