A Girl in a White Dress

Today I finished high school. I know, crazy right? My friend asked me afterwards, “Did you cry on your way out to the car?” I replied with, “No I was a little too caught up in whether or not I would be exempt from my pre-cal exam and have to come back.” (I’m exempt by the way.. 🙂 )

When I got home I decided to celebrate by trying on my new graduation dress with my cap, gown, cords, and medals, the whole shebang. So I donned the navy blue polyester and the various honors that I had received, had a good laugh at myself in the mirror, and promptly took it all off.

When I did, I turned back to the mirror, and there I was: a girl in a white dress. Standing in the mirror, I began contemplating all that is in front of me: a new home, new friends, a new school, a new life. I started thinking about all I will learn about myself and God’s plans for me. The things that I place my identity in may change completely. It’s daunting, but extremely exciting. Then it struck me suddenly that this color will accompany me in lots of crucial moments.

This girl in a white dress will one day walk down the aisle to the man she has prayed for. She will take on a new name, a new identity. She will learn to live for someone else and not just herself. She will have an entirely new life ahead of her and it will be terrifying, but beautiful and rewarding.

This girl in a white dress will one day stand before a King that holds her dirty rags in His hand and tosses them away. She will take on a new name, a new identity: forever dressed in purity and holiness. She will live for King Jesus and worship Him always. She will have an entirely new life ahead of her, and it will be nothing but wonderful.

Because of my sweet Savior, I will walk forward in His plans for me and keep in step with His Spirit. I will long for Him above all, and one day I will be clean of all spots and washed of all stains. However, all of this is because of His love for me. I did nothing to deserve it. After all, I’m just a girl in a white dress.


They will walk with me, dressed in white, for they are worthy.

Revelation 3:4b

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