

I was sitting at the edge of the water with my feet buried underneath the sand. The breeze was lightly blowing distracting me from the continually heating sun, and all I could hear was the sound of the waves pouring onto the shore. It was a beautiful moment.

Amidst all of this beauty I began reflecting on the state of my heart. I realized that I was buried under negative thoughts about myself, my appearance, and my choices. However, lately I have been reading Switch on Your Brain by Dr. Caroline Leaf (highly recommend), and I have come to understand that my thoughts are completely controllable and replaceable. Not only that, but positive thoughts will actually bring me healing! (I know it sounds cheesy, but I promise it’s actually biologically true.)

In light of this truth, I decided to pursue joy and health and, as Romans 12:2 suggests, “renew my mind.” So I began listing truths about my wonderful Savior. I knew if I could focus on these things, everything would change. So I thought I would share them with you. Read them, and meditate on them. Renew your mind with me by living in the reality of Jesus.


He is my breath.

He is my laminin. (Don’t know what this is? Watch this: )

He is the very substance of my hope.

He is my Healer, having the utmost control of every part of my being.

He is my perspective Maker, demonstrating true humility.

He holds the key to beautiful things.

He is the Healer of things that don’t even make sense to me.

He is true love, and true love only comes from Him.

He is the best companion.

He is power beyond its earthly definition.

He is a creative Creator: the originator of everything.

He is the inspiration for the sweetest melodies and no melody can be written without Him.

He is the author of true sacrifice.

He is the perfect focus and the most beautiful distraction.

He is my safety.

He is in the midst of everything and the escape from it all.



We come to you today asking for you to renew our minds. It is difficult to make choices that are of You when our minds are constantly leaning on their own broken understanding. It is difficult to remember Your grace when all we think about is the hurt in our own hearts. Refocus our thoughts and re-center our joy. We are Yours. Help us act like it.


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