Good Stuff

The other day I was walking back to my dorm. It was a beautifully sunny day, and I was thinking about what I had just learned in class and what all I needed to do that night. It was a perfectly normal moment. Then I heard my name. I knew who it was, because I didn’t hear it with my ears. It came from inside me, but it was very clear and distinct. I recognized the familiar voice of my precious King.

This has happened to me before. There are times when I think God just needs to get my attention, and nothing gets my attention better than my name. (okay, maybe a cup of coffee with my name on it… but same difference.) The first time this happened to me, I had been directed by my parents and mentors to 1 Samuel 3, where God speaks Samuel’s name. Samuel is encouraged to respond with, “Speak, Lord. Your servant is listening.” So ever since I read that passage, this has become my response. Walking into my dorm I spoke quietly (much to the confusion of the girl next me): “Speak, Lord. Your servant is listening.” And He did.

Very promptly I heard, “You are good.

“No no,” I replied. “That is what I say to you, not the other way around. God, YOU are the good one. I can list seven worship songs off the top of my head that say so (over and over and over again).”

But He said it again, “You are good.”

I was not ready to believe it, so I went to my room and got on my knees to see what else God had to say. As I was praying, I began to hear Him gently speak these words over me:




Slowly and steadily He directed my thoughts towards Genesis 1. I then realized that this is exactly what God said about His creation. And then it hit me: I am His creation. I am good. I am good!!! What a simple but beautiful thought!! I love that God interrupted my normal day to remind me of what I am to Him.

There is no deep, theological, mind-blowing truth in this post. The truth is simply this: You are good. I beg you to believe it.

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