About Me

My name is McKenzie Abbott. I’m 21 years old and love living in the beautiful state of Tennessee.

As this page is entitled “About Me,” I feel inclined to share some things about myself. So here ya go:

I am terrified of cotton balls. No, I don’t know why. I guess it’s a texture thing. I know it’s weird. Go ahead,  make a joke… I’ve probably heard it before.

My family is incredible. Each one of them is uniquely gifted and I love learning from them. I love them all more than life itself.

I love mac and cheese. The mixture of cheese and noodles is probably the single most amazing man-made creation ever.

I sing. A lot. In fact, I do it all the time (I am a music major). It’s rare that I’m not singing, actually.

I laugh a lot. Mostly at myself. I think I’m the only one that thinks I’m funny but that’s okay.

I love traveling. So far I have been to five countries outside of the United States and I plan on growing that list exponentially. There’s nothing greater than taking the gospel to the ends of the earth.

I am addicted to coffee. It is absolutely not healthy, and I am absolutely not ashamed.

I love people. I love talking to them and hearing their stories. I believe that one of the most important things we can do is to inspire and restore the dignity of others. If you are a person, you inspire me.

Jesus is my best friend. He is my Savior, my Teacher, and my King. He is a mystery to me, but man this life is fun walking with Him each day. I am beginning to see more of His holiness and His love. I am nothing without Him.

So that’s me on a page. Nothing special… just your typical teenage girl loving life, people, and Jesus.

If you wanna talk, let’s  talk! Email me any time at mckenzieabbott@gmail.com